Analisis Pengaruh Rancangan Situs Web dan Konten Situs Web terhadap Pembelian Impulsif
e-store design, e-store content, pleasure, impulse buyingAbstract
This study aimed to analyze the effects arising from the e-store design and e-store content on impulse buying from OLX Indonesia users. This is due to the fact that there is a decrease of rating of Indonesia’s e-commerce sites and increase of OLX Indonesia user complaints. According to data Nusaresearch, popular brand index (PBI) e-commerce site in Indonesia from 2015 until 2017 continues to change. One of the e-commerce that experienced a noticeable drop was OLX Indonesia.'s data also shows that OLX Indonesia's website traffic rankings continue to decline from 2014 to 2017. The variables used in this study is e-store design and e-store content as an independent variable, pleasure as an intervening variable and impulse buying as an dependent variable. The sample in this study were 206 respondents that came from the users of OLX Indonesia. The method used is purposive sampling by distributing questionnaires to the respondents (user). Based on the research of data processing using SEM, the result found that e-store design has positive and significant influence on users pleasure (as an intervening variable), e-store content has no influence on users pleasure (as an intervening variable) and pleasure has positive and significant influence on impulse buying.