Analisis Pengaruh Stress Kerja terhadap Turnover Intention Karyawan dengan Kepuasan Kerja sebagai Variabel Mediasi


  • Septian Eko Yuliantoro



job stress, job satisfaction, Turnover Intention


This research aims to determine the significant influence between: (1) Job Stress on Job Satisfaction, (2) Job Stress on Turnover Intention, (3) Job Satisfaction on Turnover Intention of SMK Leonardo Klaten employees. This study also aims to determine: (4) the effect of Job Stress on Turnover Intention with Job Satisfaction as a mediating variable. The population is the employees of SMK Leonardo Klaten as many as 62 persons. Sampling uses a sampling jenuh technique where all populations are taken as research samples, as many as 62 persons. Data collection techniques using questionnaires through validity test and reliability test. The analysis technique uses the classic assumption test, path analysis, and sobel test. The results of the analysis show: (1) A significant effectof work stress variable on job satisfaction. (2) A significant effect of the work stress variable on turnover intention. (3) Job satisfaction has no significant effect on Turnover Intention. (4) Job satisfaction does not mediate the effect of work stress on turnover intention.


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